Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Is the Rapture Real?

A new episode of our show is now available on the MOTK Website. The episode (No. 116) addresses a popular radio host's claim that the Rapture is not supported by Scripture.

Has God called you to help feed His people meat in due season? If so, perhaps our ministry is aligned with that purpose, and you would consider becoming a regular supporter. Visit our donations page to find out more.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Works Doctrine vs. Faith Doctrine

Our latest episode (115) is now available on the Website. The episode examines 1 John 5 and addresses how a works-doctrine commentator has interpreted this faith-doctrine passage of scripture.

Has God called you to help feed His people meat in due season? If so, perhaps our ministry is aligned with that purpose, and you would consider becoming a regular supporter. Visit our donations page to find out more.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Rapture: Does the 'Bible Answer Man' have it wrong?

Paul, one of our more active and engaged listeners, wrote us recently as follows (with edits):

I was a Sirius radio 131 [Family Talk] baby. Since I was in my truck 12 to 16 hours a day that was the only way to receive God's Word, so I had teaching from everyone … I always tried not to miss the Bible Answer Man broadcast with Hank Hanegraaff. I thought this man to be a very learned person in God's Word …

One day I caught the tail end of his reply to a caller about the Rapture. It was the first time I'd heard him speak of the Rapture so I was very curious not knowing much about the rapture except bits and pieces coming from sermons on the radio …

Hank's reply to the caller about the Rapture bothered me because I really thought all the [Sirius]131 pastors would more than likely be on the same page about the Rapture, some with different ideas but still the belief in the Rapture. Come to find out, Hank is not on the same page.

Paul sent some excerpts from Mr. Hanegraaff’s broadcasts, and I did some further research of my own.

Let me stop and state: This is not intended to be a rebuttal or rebuke of Mr. Hanegraaff … although it may sound like one. It’s just an opportunity I want to take to explore an alternate to pre-trib doctrine, which is our doctrine, from a very popular Christian teacher who we all know is incredibly knowledgeable about the Bible. He is the “Bible Answer Man,” after all.

I should also say that Mr. Hanegraaff would definitely beat me and Andy at Bible Jeopardy! Wipe the floor with us, no doubt. But it’s important to keep in mind that biblical truth and wisdom from God aren’t measured in terms of learning. If that were true, the deans and professors at our seminaries would pretty much be guaranteed a high position in the Kingdom of Heaven. Does anyone out there think that is true?

And let’s not forget Acts 4:13. This is right after John and Peter faced the Sanhedrin – which was like a governing body of seminary deans and professors – and made a speech before them about who Jesus was. In verse 13, the Bible says: “[A]s they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed.”

The point is that while we certainly agree knowledge is important, especially when it’s knowledge of God’s Word, it is not a measure of who can best understand and communicate God’s truth.

On to Mr. Hanegraaff. In a recent broadcast,* speaking of 1 Thess. 4, he said: “This is not a passage on a pre-tribulational rapture. It is a great and glorious thesis on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nowhere in this passage do you find Jesus coming down from heaven, hovering in mid-air, then turning around and taking people to heaven for seven years while Jews get butchered in this Holy Land. This is completely missing from the text. It is something that is imposed on the passage but the passage certainly doesn’t communicate it.” (emphasis added)

But let’s look at 1 Thess 4:16-17: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.”

So Mr. Hanegraaff is half right – or half wrong – depending on how you want to look at it. The passage does describe, in his words, “Jesus coming down from heaven” and “hovering in mid-air” – assuming you envision “in the clouds” and “in the air” to be mid-air. What you don’t find in this passage is Jesus “taking people to heaven for seven years while Jews get butchered in this Holy Land.” But I don’t know that anyone is claiming 1 Thess. is about that. We certainly aren’t. For that part, you need to consult other prophetic passages.

In his broadcast, Mr. Hanegraaff moved from 1 Thess. to the first few verses of Revelation and focused on the introduction to the letters to the churches. He zeros in on some key words in chapter 1, verses 1 and 3. “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place … Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.”

Mr. Hanegraaff says, “It’s an unconscionable abuse of language to say that those words – ‘soon’ and ‘near’ – mean thousands of years hence or a far away age of time.”

My question: Those verses introduce the entire book of Revelation. Is Mr. Hanegraaff suggesting all of the events detailed in the Revelation have occurred? If so, he would have to explain when Jesus ruled over the earth for 1,000 years and, more to the point, where the New Jerusalem is and why sin and death still exist, since Revelation prophesies their end …

Of course, I’m being silly. Everyone, including Mr. Hanegraaff, knows that at least some of the events in Revelation will occur in the future. And that means they would, in fact, be “thousands of years hence” or “a far away age of time” from the Apostle John’s perspective. Later in the broadcast, Mr. Hanegraaff even talks about this: “[A]s all books of the Bible, there’s also an eternal perspective that is provided,” he says. “So if you go from Rev 1:3 to Rev. 21:3, you see that Jesus returns in the end as well.”

So what’s this “unconscionable abuse of language” all about? I think perhaps Mr. Hanegraaff means it’s unconscionable to make the 'letters to the churches' portion of Revelation about future events. But is it? I mean, it would be unconscionable to say the letters were not for real churches from the first century. We know they were. It would be incorrect to say they did not speak of events and issues from that time. They did. But as Pastor Whipple pointed out many times during his ministry, the Bible functions on multiple levels. Each letter ends with that key phrase indicating there is something deeper there for mature Christians (of any time period): “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says …”

There are also prophecies in the letters. For instance, the letter to Thyatira promises: “He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father; and I will give him the morning star.” I am not aware of anyone from a first-century church rising to this level of God-given power and authority, so it seems this must be about “an age of time” that hasn’t happened yet.

This is the crux of the matter. Mr. Hanegraaff seems to believe that certain events we view as coming in the future were already fulfilled in the past. In the broadcast, he makes a statement that gave me pause: “The coming of Christ in judgment on Jerusalem on a prostituted bride riding a beast is something that’s going to happen in the near future for those to whom the Apostle John is writing” – by which I think he means it happened already from our perspective in time.

He continues later: “So there’s a coming of Christ in judgment but there’s also a Second Coming of Jesus Christ. And when He comes, the text says, that ‘the dwelling of God is now with men …’” And he goes on to quote the rest of that passage from Rev. 21.

It seems Mr. Hanegraaff believes Christ’s judgment has already happened, and I would like to know what scriptural support exists for that idea? (Honestly. This is a new one for me. I know a lot of judgment-level events happened back then, but how was that Christ's judgment?) He also seems to suggest Christ’s Second Coming is about establishing the New Heaven and New Earth. But to get that from the text, you have to skip from Revelation 19 to Revelation 21, jumping over the Millennial Kingdom in Revelation 20.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts on our discussion forum and help us continue our exploration of this issue, which can certainly be a point of division among Christians today. In Berean fashion, we ask that you provide scriptural support for your point of view.

Posted by Jordan


* “The Value of Christian Education with Paul Maurer and Q&A,” Hank Hanegraaff, Bible Answer Man broadcast, 8/27/2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Good Wednesday?

Our latest episode (114) is now available on the Website. The episode, which aired this past Sunday evening on Family Talk (SiriusXM channel 131), explores a challenging question: Is it possible that Jesus wasn’t crucified on a Friday?

** Click here to listen now **

Want to help us create more "meaty" episodes like this? Visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Gehenna (Part 3)

Episode 113 is now live on our Website. The episode, which airs Sunday evening on Family Talk (SiriusXM channel 131), features the third and final part of our lesson on Gehenna, a future place of punishment for saved people who have walked away from God.

** Click here to listen now **

This episode also concludes our series, "The Mystery Kept Secret," which began with Episode 96. All episodes, and their study guides, are available in our archive.

As this ministry continues to flourish, you can become a part of helping us share the meat of the Word in due season. Please visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Gehenna (Part 2)

Episode 112 is now live on our Website. The episode, which airs this evening on Family Talk (SiriusXM channel 131), features part two of our lesson on Gehenna -- a physical place in the time of Jesus and a metaphorical place of punishment for the saved.

** Click here to listen to it now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Please visit our Discussion Forum. And please consider supporting this ministry by visiting our donations page.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Gehenna (Part 1)

Episode 111 is now live on our Website. The episode, which aired Sunday on Family Talk (SiriusXM channel 131), features part one of our lesson on Gehenna -- a geographical place with a dark history and a metaphorical place of punishment for the saved.

** Click here to listen to it now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Please visit our Discussion Forum. And please consider supporting this ministry by visiting our donations page.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Punishment for the Saved

We just posted another new episode of our show. This week's lesson, which will also air on Family Talk (SiriusXM channel 131), uses Scripture to address a controversial topic: punishment for the saved.

** Click here to listen to it now **

Got a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Please visit our Discussion Forum. And please consider supporting this ministry by visiting our donations page.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Beyond Salvation

Our newest episode, which aired yesterday evening on SiriusXM channel 131, is also now available on our Website. It focuses on the knowledge a wise Christian should have beyond salvation, beginning with an examination of Matthew 7:21-23.

** Click here to listen to it now **

Please help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people. Visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter of this ministry.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Three New Parables

This Sunday evening on Family Talk (SiriusXM channel 131) we continue our series on "The Mystery Kept Secret" and our focus on the parables of Jesus. This week, we explore the parable of the faithful and wise servant. Last week, we examined the parable of the talents and the week before that, the parable of the wedding feast. All three episodes are now available online.

** Click here to listen now **

As this ministry continues to flourish, you can become a part of helping us share the meat of the Word in due season. Please visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Parable of the Minas

This Sunday on Family Talk (SiriusXM channel 131) we concluded our two-part series on the parable of the minas. In case you missed it (or don't have satellite radio), both episodes are now available on our Website.

** Click here to listen now **

As this ministry continues to flourish, you can become a part of helping us share the meat of the Word in due season. Please visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Narrow Door

Our newest episode, which airs this evening on SiriusXM channel 131, is also now available on our Website. It focuses on Jesus's "narrow door" parable.

** Click here to listen to it now **

Please help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people. Visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter of this ministry.

The Parable of the 10 Virgins

Our episode on the parable of the 10 virgins, which aired Sunday May 17 on SiriusXM channel 131, is now available on our Website.

** Click here to listen to it now **

Want to help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people? Please visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter of this ministry.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Introduction to Epignosis

This Sunday evening, channel 131 on SiriusXM radio will broadcast another new episode of our on-air Bible study. Visit the SiriusXM Website for show times in your area.

Don't have satellite radio? We've got you covered! After the episode airs, we'll post it to our online media player, which you can access any time for free. Speaking of which, you can now listen to last week's episode -- an introduction to epignosis -- by clicking below.

** Click here to listen now **

Want to help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people? Please visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter of this ministry.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Our 100th Episode!

We've reached the 100th episode of the Mysteries of the Kingdom radio show! Praise God!

And what more fitting way to celebrate this milestone than by studying the Word of God and learning what the Apostle Paul taught about qualifying for the Millennial Kingdom.

** Click here to listen now **

As this ministry continues to flourish, you can be a part of helping us air our next 100 episodes and share the meat of the Word in due season. Please visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Keys of Three (Part 2)

Part two of our lesson on the "keys of three" aired this past Sunday night and is now live at

** Click here to listen now **

Coming up this Sunday: A lesson on the Apostle Paul's "master builder" analogy from 1 Corinthians 3. For those of you who have Sirius-XM, you can tune in to channel 131 (Family Talk) at 9 pm eastern/6 pm pacific to hear the episode.

Want to help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people? Please visit our donations page and consider becoming a regular supporter.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Keys of Three (Part 1)

Another new episode of our show aired Sunday night and is now live on the Website. This week, we got into the "keys of three" in the Word of God. Part one of two.

** Click here to listen now **

MOTK is a listener-supported ministry. Please help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people by becoming a regular supporter. To find out how, please visit our donations page.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

New Format, New Series

We're back with a new format and a new series! Now that our radio show (Sundays @ 9 pm on Sirius XM 131) has caught up with our archives, we'll be posting new episodes every week or so to keep our online listeners up to date.

Our new format is an on-air Bible study recorded "live." Instead of taped material from years past, we'll be featuring fresh material from us, Andy & Jordan, and scripture readings from Tom Pine (aka Jordan's dad). Of course, we'll remain continually focused on the kingdom truths and feeding God's people from the meat of the Word. As a matter of fact, our first topic is the milk and meat, and our first series is titled, "The Mystery Kept Secret from the Foundations of the World."

Those of you who know the work of the late Pastor Gary T. Whipple well will recognize that title from a video series and study guide he put together. And, indeed, that study guide was the starting point for our new series.

** Click here to listen to our two-part opener now **

By the way, if you are blessed by these lessons, we hope you'll consider supporting our ministry. To find out more about that, please visit our donations page.