Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Lordship of Christ (p2)

The conclusion of our two-part study on the Lordship of Christ is now available in our archive.

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Please visit our Facebook page or our Discussion Forum. Please also consider supporting this ministry by visiting our donations page.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Lordship of Christ (p1)

Last Sunday's episode of our radio show is now available on our Website. The lesson (Episode 126) follows our "Prisoner of the Lord" series with a deeper look at the Lordship of Christ. This is part one of a two-part lesson on this topic concluding tonight at 8:30 pm EST on Sirius/XM 131 Family Talk.

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Please visit our Facebook page or our Discussion Forum. Please also consider supporting this ministry by visiting our donations page.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Prisoner of the Lord (p2)

Another new episode of our Sirius/XM radio show is now available on the MOTK Website. The lesson (Episode 125) concludes our two-part study of what it means to be a "prisoner of the Lord."

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Please visit our Discussion Forum. Please also consider supporting this ministry by visiting our donations page.