Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Born of Water and the Spirit

We just uploaded our latest 20-Minute Bible Study. Our focus is John 3:1-5, which describes Jesus' nighttime meeting with Nicodemus. Jesus told Nicodemus he must be "born of water and the Spirit" to "enter into the kingdom of God." Does this mean baptism is required for salvation? Or does it mean something else? We go deep to discover the answer.

** Click here to listen now **

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GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.

Monday, December 12, 2016

20 Minute Bible Studies

Our Sirius/XM radio show has been re-branded 20 Minute Bible Studies.

As the name suggests, the new format is even more Bible-focused and also takes into account the time constraints of today's busy Christian. Of course, our mission continues to be unlocking the deeper truths of God's Word and sharing the mysteries of the Kingdom.

To listen to the new show, tune in to Family Talk, channel 131, every Sunday at 8:30 PM Eastern/5:30 PM Pacific. Or visit our online archive to stream or download episodes after they air. We'll continue to let you know when new episodes are posted.

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Please visit our Facebook page or our Discussion Forum. Please also consider supporting this ministry by visiting our donations page.