Saturday, May 20, 2017

Equipped for Every Good Work

We just uploaded a new 20-Minute Bible Study. Our focus this time is 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which contains the famous Christian tenet that "all Scripture is inspired by God" -- and so much more.

If you have 20 minutes, you have time to join us for our study of these verses.

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Visit this page for the many ways you can join the conversation.

GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence

We just uploaded our latest 20-Minute Bible Study. Our focus is Matthew 11:11-12, in which Jesus speaks of John the Baptist (show above in a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci) and then says, "the kingdom of heaven suffers violence." This prompted listener Paul to wonder, "[I]s He speaking about a spiritual kingdom of heaven, or the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven? What or which kingdom of heaven is suffering violence?"

If you have 20 minutes, you have time to hear our answer and join our study of this passage.

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Visit this page for the many ways you can join the conversation.

GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.