Friday, October 3, 2014

Complete 10-Part 'What Will Happen?' Series

Our 10-part "What Will Happen?" series, featuring the teaching of Pastor Gary T. Whipple, is now complete and available on the Website.

** Click here to listen now **

MOTK is a listener-supported ministry. Please help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people by becoming a regular supporter. To find out how, please visit our donations page.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

'Their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched'

Listener David asks:
What does Isaiah 66:24 represent. Where is this place? What is the name of this place? How does it fit into the Kingdom truths?

Pastor Whipple quotes and addresses this verse in his book, Shock & Surprise: Beyond the Rapture. To read what he had to say and/or add your thoughts:

** Click here to join the conversation **

Monday, August 18, 2014

When does God separate The Bride from The Body?

Listener Kleo asks:
While scrolling and reading the many subjects found on the Internet, I have never seen anyone tackle the subject of when does God separate The Bride from The Body? 
There is a type presented in Genesis 2:21 – 23.
Whipple states a formula there: The Bride is taken out of The Body, but not all of The Body is used to make The Bride. Where in scripture is this fulfilled? And what is the mechanical process of this action?
To read Andy's answer to this thought-provoking question, or to answer yourself:

Friday, August 8, 2014

What Will Happen on Earth? (p1)

Another new episode from our "What Will Happen?" series is now live on the Website. We've looked at what will happen at the Rapture and what will happen in heaven after the Rapture. Now we take a look at what will happen on earth after the Rapture. Part one of two.

** Click here to listen now **

MOTK is a listener-supported ministry. Please help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people by becoming a regular supporter. To find out how, please visit our donations page.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

What Will Happen in Heaven? (p4)

A new episode from our "What Will Happen?" series is now live on the Website. The episode is part four of Pastor Whipple's look at what will happen in Heaven after the Rapture with a focus on the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25.

** Click here to listen now **

Did you know MOTK is now accepting online donations? Thanks to our Web partner Clover, we can now accept credit cards, debit cards or even direct withdrawals. It's never been easier to help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people. To find out more, please visit our donations page.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What Will Happen in Heaven? (p3)

An artistic representation of the Parable of the Minas

A new episode from our "What Will Happen?" series is now live on the Website. The episode is part three of Pastor Whipple's look at what will happen in Heaven after the Rapture.

** Click here to listen now **

Did you know MOTK is now accepting online donations? Thanks to our Web partner Clover, we can now accept credit cards, debit cards or even direct withdrawals. It's never been easier to help us spread the Word of the Kingdom to God's people. To find out more, please visit our donations page.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

What Will Happen in Heaven? (p2)

Another new episode from our "What Will Happen?" series is now live on the Website. The episode is part two of Pastor Whipple's look at what will happen in Heaven after the Rapture.

** Click here to listen now **

Just a reminder: Our Q&A Discussion Forum on Google Groups is live and lively! If you are receiving this email, you have already been added as a member and can join the conversation. Click here to read and comment.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thought-Provoking Questions

Have you visited our new MOTK Discussion Forum yet? If not, you should! There are several thought-provoking questions awaiting your input. Some examples:

  • Kleo asks: "How can it be shown that the Kingdom Teachings are not similar to the Catholic doctrine (of Purgatory)?"
  • Skip asks: "Is there a difference between [Revelation 21:8] 'having their part' (in the lake of fire) and [Revelation 20:14] being 'cast into' the lake of fire?"
  • And Andy challenges us with this question: "(I)f someone believes salvation is subjective (Arminian doctrine), do they really qualify as having faith in the finished work of the cross? Were they really ever saved to begin with?"

** Click here to join the conversation now! **

Saturday, March 22, 2014

What Will Happen in Heaven? (p1)

Another new episode from our "What Will Happen?" series is now live on the Website. The episode is part one of Pastor Whipple's look at what will happen in Heaven after the Rapture.

** Click here to listen now **

In case you missed the news: We now have a Q&A Discussion Forum on Google Groups. If you are receiving this email, you have already been added as a member and can join the conversation. So far we have two questions posted. Click here to read and comment.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Introducing Our New Q&A Forum

Great news! Mysteries of the Kingdom now has a Q&A style Discussion Forum on Google Groups. Anyone receiving this email has already been added as a member, which means you can post questions, answer questions or just join the conversation.

** Click here to visit the forum now **

Two questions have already been posted (one by Andy and one by Jordan) and are awaiting your reply.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What Will Happen at The Rapture?

Two new episodes of our radio show are now available at The two-part lesson introduces a new series titled, "What Will Happen?" and starts with a look at what will happen at the Rapture of the Church.

** Click here to listen now **

On a separate note: We need your prayers and any support you can provide. Recently, we had to tighten our ministry's belt and take our show off the air in the NY/NJ area to make sure we could keep it on the air nationally via Sirius/XM. We know all things are in God's hands, so we aren't worried about this minor setback. His will be done. But we would like to remind you that this is a donation-supported effort and encourage you to consider contributing if you aren't already. Check out our donations page for more information.

Monday, January 13, 2014

New Things (p2)

The conclusion of Pastor Whipple's lesson on starting new things is now available at

** Click here to listen to the episode **

Please continue to help this ministry grow in the new year by visiting our donations page.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Things (p1)

Happy New Year! Our first episode of the new year is now available on the Website. It features part one of Pastor Whipple's lesson on starting new things.

** Click here to listen to the episode **

Thank you for your prayers and support this past year. We pray you will continue to help this ministry grow in the new year. Visit our donations page to learn more.