Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thought-Provoking Questions

Have you visited our new MOTK Discussion Forum yet? If not, you should! There are several thought-provoking questions awaiting your input. Some examples:

  • Kleo asks: "How can it be shown that the Kingdom Teachings are not similar to the Catholic doctrine (of Purgatory)?"
  • Skip asks: "Is there a difference between [Revelation 21:8] 'having their part' (in the lake of fire) and [Revelation 20:14] being 'cast into' the lake of fire?"
  • And Andy challenges us with this question: "(I)f someone believes salvation is subjective (Arminian doctrine), do they really qualify as having faith in the finished work of the cross? Were they really ever saved to begin with?"

** Click here to join the conversation now! **

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