Saturday, April 26, 2014

What Will Happen in Heaven? (p2)

Another new episode from our "What Will Happen?" series is now live on the Website. The episode is part two of Pastor Whipple's look at what will happen in Heaven after the Rapture.

** Click here to listen now **

Just a reminder: Our Q&A Discussion Forum on Google Groups is live and lively! If you are receiving this email, you have already been added as a member and can join the conversation. Click here to read and comment.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thought-Provoking Questions

Have you visited our new MOTK Discussion Forum yet? If not, you should! There are several thought-provoking questions awaiting your input. Some examples:

  • Kleo asks: "How can it be shown that the Kingdom Teachings are not similar to the Catholic doctrine (of Purgatory)?"
  • Skip asks: "Is there a difference between [Revelation 21:8] 'having their part' (in the lake of fire) and [Revelation 20:14] being 'cast into' the lake of fire?"
  • And Andy challenges us with this question: "(I)f someone believes salvation is subjective (Arminian doctrine), do they really qualify as having faith in the finished work of the cross? Were they really ever saved to begin with?"

** Click here to join the conversation now! **