Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Not Everyone Will Enter

“Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved," says Romans 10:13. Anyone who calls Jesus "Lord" must have the Holy Spirit, according to 1 Corinthians 12:13. Yet in Matthew 7, Jesus tells a story of people calling on Him and calling Him "Lord," yet He tells them, "I never knew you; depart from Me." How can that be? Give us 20 minutes, and we'll explain.

When you're done, we'd love to know your thoughts about this lesson. Please visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Also: Please consider supporting this ministry and its mission to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Click here to find out more.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Sin Leading to Death

Romans 6:23 says that “the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” In other words, we believe that the blood of Jesus saved us from the consequence of our sin, which is death. Yet in one of his letters, the Apostle John writes of a sin that can lead a believer to death. What did he mean? Well ... got 20 minutes?

When you're done, we'd love to know your thoughts about this lesson. Please visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Also: Please consider supporting this ministry and its mission to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Click here to find out more.

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Word of the Cross is Foolishness

In his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul makes a shocking statement: "the word of the cross is foolishness." The obvious question that arises: to whom? The obvious answer ... is not what you might think. Got 20 minutes?

When you're done, we'd love to know your thoughts about this lesson. Please visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him

The curious phrasing of Hebrews 11:3 led to this week's 20-Minute Bible Study. It says "the worlds were prepared by the word of God." Many have used this to teach that God spoke the universe into existence. But what it actually means will surprise you.

The Kingdom connection comes later, in verse 6, which contains the promise that God rewards "those who seek Him." Plus, this chapter of Hebrews contains the so-called "Hall of Faith," which we also discuss. Needless to say, it's a jam-packed lesson!

After you listen to the lesson, we'd love to hear from you. Simply visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Friday, October 20, 2017

He Is Able to Save Forever

Our founder, the late Pastor Gary T. Whipple, used to say that it would be correct to state: You have been saved, you are being saved and you will be saved. In our latest 20-Minute Bible Study, we explore a passage from the book of Hebrews that helps explain what he meant by that. We also discuss what the Bible has to say about the priest-king Melchizedek (depicted with Abraham above).

After you listen to the lesson, we'd love to hear from you. Simply visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Confess with Your Mouth, Believe in Your Heart

The Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 2 that we are saved by grace through faith and not as a result of works. Yet in Romans 10, one of the most well-known salvation passages in all of Scripture, he says you must confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord in order to be saved. Isn’t that a work? Answering that question is the aim of our latest 20-Minute Bible Study.

After you listen to the lesson, we'd love to hear from you. Simply visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Adoption as Sons

We've added a new 20-Minute Bible Study to the Website. In the lesson, we explore a pair of verses you often hear during the holiday season –– except we show how it reveals something so much deeper than many know.

After you listen to the lesson, we'd love to hear from you. Simply visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Vine & The Branches

In our last lesson, we explored the "door" metaphor of Jesus from John 10. In this lesson, we explore the "vine" metaphor of Jesus from John 15. More to the point, we address and correct a common misreading of the passage that has led to the false teaching that unfruitful believers will be "cut off" and burned in hell fire.

After you listen to the lesson, we'd love to hear from you. Simply visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

I Am the Door of the Sheep

Jesus used many types and metaphors in His teachings. In our latest 20-Minute Bible Study, we examine several that occur in the 10th chapter of John: the Door, thieves and robbers, sheep and so on. Lacking knowledge of the Kingdom, many have misinterpreted and misunderstood these symbols. We use scripture and sound doctrine to unlock their true meaning.

After the lesson, we'd love to hear from you. Simply visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord will come like a thief, a thief in the night. Every Christian knows this phrase, but what does it mean? Is it speaking of the Rapture? The Second Coming? And why did the Apostle Peter feel it was necessary to give the early Church this bit of prophecy? The answers are in our latest 20-Minute Bible Study.

After the lesson, we'd love to hear from you. Simply visit this page to share your comments or questions.

Our mission is to feed believers "meat in due season" (Matthew 24:45). Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Please consider donating in support of this effort. Click here to find out more.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Christ Died Once for All

Where did Jesus go during the time between His death and resurrection? The answer is in our latest 20-Minute Bible Study. During the study, we examine a familiar scripture supporting the doctrine of "assurance" – 1 Peter 3:18 – and then keep going to examine the less familiar/understood verses that follow.

After you listen to this lesson, why not share your thoughts? Simply visit this page to find several ways to join the conversation. We welcome your input.

Have you been blessed because of this ministry? Please give all glory to God, and then consider donating in support of what we do. Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation will be tax deductible. Click here to find out more.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Riches of the Glory of His Inheritance

Life is so all-consuming that it's easy to forget this period of time will be a blip in comparison to eternity. Everything we "lay up" in this world will not only perish, it will seem like dung in comparison to the "riches of the glory of His inheritance." In our latest 20-Minute Bible Study, we go deeper and explore what God, through the Apostle Paul, is trying to tell us about our proper focus in life.

After you listen to our latest lesson, why not share your thoughts? Simply visit this page to find several ways to join the conversation. We welcome your input.

Have you been blessed because of this ministry? Please give all glory to God, and then consider donating in support of what we do. Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation will be tax deductible. Click here to find out more.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Surrounded by a Crowd of Martyrs

Have you ever been told there is a "cloud of witnesses" watching us as we run our spiritual race? Well, it seems the Bible doesn't actually teach that. In our latest 20-Minute Bible Study, we look at that phrase from Hebrews 12 in the original Greek and reveal what those scriptures actually teach.

After you listen to our latest lesson, why not share your thoughts? Simply visit this page to find several ways to join the conversation. We welcome your input.

Have you been blessed because of this ministry? Please give all glory to God, and then consider donating in support of what we do. Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation will be tax deductible. Click here to find out more.

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Gift of God, Not of Works

Do you know the difference between the Gift and the Prize? In our latest 20-Minute Bible Study, we explain it during our study of a foundational passage of scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10.

** Click here to listen now **

After you listen to our latest lesson, why not share your thoughts? Simply visit this page to find several ways to join the conversation. We welcome your input.

Have you been blessed because of this ministry? Please give all glory to God, and then consider donating in support of what we do. Every cent we receive goes directly toward recording and broadcasting new Bible lessons. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation will be tax deductible. Click here to find out more.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Soul and Spirit, Joints and Marrow

We just added another new 20-Minute Bible Study to our online archive. This week's lesson is about Hebrews 4:12, which contains the core doctrine that the Word is "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword." But have you ever paid attention to what the rest of the verse says about the parts of man?

If you have 20 minutes, you can find out.

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Visit this page for the many ways you can join the conversation.

GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Equipped for Every Good Work

We just uploaded a new 20-Minute Bible Study. Our focus this time is 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which contains the famous Christian tenet that "all Scripture is inspired by God" -- and so much more.

If you have 20 minutes, you have time to join us for our study of these verses.

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Visit this page for the many ways you can join the conversation.

GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence

We just uploaded our latest 20-Minute Bible Study. Our focus is Matthew 11:11-12, in which Jesus speaks of John the Baptist (show above in a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci) and then says, "the kingdom of heaven suffers violence." This prompted listener Paul to wonder, "[I]s He speaking about a spiritual kingdom of heaven, or the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven? What or which kingdom of heaven is suffering violence?"

If you have 20 minutes, you have time to hear our answer and join our study of this passage.

** Click here to listen now **

Have a question about this lesson? Want to leave a comment? Visit this page for the many ways you can join the conversation.

GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Four 20-Minute Studies

We're busy working on new 20-Minute Bible Studies. In the meantime, have you listened to all four of our completed lessons? If not, here's a quick guide:
  1. I Stand at the Door and Knock (Revelation 3:20-21). This lesson revisits a famous phrase often quoted by preachers and teachers in the context of salvation. However, we show that common interpretation is not correct.
  3. The Hidden Wisdom That God Predestined (1 Corinthians 2:1-2, 6-7). The Apostle Paul told the church at Corinth that God's wisdom was hidden in a mystery. In this lesson, we attempt to solve that mystery for those who have been given the ability to apprehend the deeper truths.
  5. Cast Into the Fiery Hell (Matthew 18:8-9). Did Jesus teach self-mutilation as a means of escaping eternal judgment? Or was He speaking figuratively? Can your hand or foot really cause you to lose your salvation? In this lesson, we unlock the true meaning of this famous teaching.
  7. Born of Water and the Spirit (John 3:1-3). This lesson explores the true meaning of Jesus's words during His nighttime meeting with the Pharisee Nicodemus. Specifically, we answer the question: "Is baptism necessary for salvation?"
To stream or download any or all of these episodes: Click Here

Have a question about these lessons? Want to leave a comment? Visit this page for the many ways you can join the conversation.

GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.