Monday, June 5, 2017

Soul and Spirit, Joints and Marrow

We just added another new 20-Minute Bible Study to our online archive. This week's lesson is about Hebrews 4:12, which contains the core doctrine that the Word is "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword." But have you ever paid attention to what the rest of the verse says about the parts of man?

If you have 20 minutes, you can find out.

** Click here to listen now **

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GET 20-GIVE 20

Do you feel blessed when you 'Get 20' (minute Bible studies)? Then here's your chance to give back and receive the additional blessings that come from helping to spread the Word of God. We're calling it 'Give 20.' To participate, visit our Website and sign up to give $20 per month in support of this ministry.

Your monthly donation will help us create more lessons like the one above and reach more believers than ever before. We pledge that every cent you contribute will go directly toward recording and broadcasting. Plus, since our ministry is an official non-profit registered with the government, your donation is also fully tax deductible. Click here to sign up now.

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